
This ongoing project is focused on individuals within the alternative community, where "alternative" is defined as lifestyles perceived to diverge from cultural norms. Essentially, it serves as an umbrella term encompassing various subcultures such as goths, emos, punks, and grunge enthusiasts—individuals who embrace uniqueness by, for instance, dying their hair vibrant colors or getting lip piercings as expressions of their emotions. These are individuals who embody walking art and authentically manifest their true selves daily.

The essence of this series lies in embracing one's identity unapologetically, irrespective of whether it deviates from societal expectations, evokes discomfort in others, or appears unconventional. Through portraiture, I depict individuals adorned in attire of their choosing, whether it be a prom dress or a lolita dress, with the primary objective of fostering an environment where models feel at ease being themselves. As a member of the alternative community myself, I encounter numerous individuals who find liberation in expressing themselves through their attire.

Through these images, I seek to highlight a segment of society that often lacks visibility—the "weirdos" who defy societal norms, with a particular emphasis on alternative Black women, who are frequently marginalized and lack platforms to express their eccentricities. My imagery endeavors to showcase the uniqueness and beauty of those within the alternative community, aiming to empower Black women and LGBTQ individuals by affirming that they possess the agency to embrace their identities fully, regardless of societal constraints. Ultimately, these visuals serve as a source of empowerment, encouraging individuals to embrace their individuality and celebrate their diverse expressions of self.